April 22, 2013

Girl knits boy

Filed under: Design by Branko Collin @ 2:04 pm

My Knitted Boyfriend was Noortje de Keijzer’s 2012 graduate project at the Eindhoven Design Academy.

That is basically all there is to it. His name is Arthur, he is machine washable, he has accessories like moustaches, glasses and a tattoo, and sometimes he comes to life.

De Keijzer created this man as part of a study into loneliness. He is currently on display as part of the We Love Fashion! exhibition at NN DE Café in Rotterdam. You need not worry that De Keijzer gets too lonely with her boyfriend on the road, because in the meantime she has knitted Steve.

(Video: Vimeo / Noortje de Keijzer. Photo: crop of a screenshot of the video.)

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