January 4, 2010

Naked assassinated politican for sale on ebay

Filed under: Art,History,Photography by Orangemaster @ 12:28 pm
Picture 1

This photograph taken in 1977 of murdered, controversial gay politician Pim Fortuyn is up for grabs on ebay, bidding starts at EUR 495. If we can trust the description, it was ordered by Fortuyn, was never published and is authentic, on proper paper and all that jazz.

Pim Fortuyn, leader and founder of the LPF (Pim Fortuyn List, a party named after him) was murdered at the Hilversum mediapark (where all our radio and telly is located) by Volkert van der Graaf, a Caucasian male (that has to be said) who was upset at Fortuyn’s harshness towards Muslims.

(Link: parool.nl, Photo: Ebay)
