August 9, 2016

Hot pizza from vending machines in Groningen

Filed under: Dutch first,Food & Drink by Orangemaster @ 10:07 pm

In November 2015 young entrepreneur Jordi Hillenga introduced the first ever pizza vending machine of the country at a supermarket in Groningen, an idea he got in France. Now it’s time for him to expand the business and place a few more vending machines in Groningen at places where there’s more night life and a need for pizza.

Hillenga is in talks with Dutch Rail to see if he can’t install some warm pizza goodness at train stations.

It took him a year to get the first pizza machine installed because he goes to school and that understandably takes up a lot of his time and needed to save a lot of money. His vending machine offers four kinds of 26 cm pizzas (margherita, salami, aloha Hawai (yes, typo) and real Italian) which takes four minutes to bake and if this video is still accurate, costs 6 euro a pie. He also gets a text message if pizzas go stale, which shuts down the vending machine and tells him to replace the pies.

The question whether it’s as tasty as at the Italian restaurant, well, most people in the video can’t tell the difference.

(Links:,, Photo of Pizza pie by Adam Kuban, some rights reserved)

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