February 10, 2015

Erotic story site accessible to the blind

Filed under: Dutch first,Online by Orangemaster @ 2:36 pm

Dutch sexy story site sexverhalen.com (‘sex stories’) has made some changes in order to appeal to the blind and visually impaired, apparently a unique concept in the Netherlands.

First major tweak is having the story read by a sultry female voice instead of the computerised voice of the user’s software. I’m guessing this specific tweak is mainly aimed at men after a quick look at the titles of the stories. If you prefer to listen to a story instead of reading it, then anyone can enjoy the audio version of the stories provided a sultry female voice works for you.

For the ladies and maybe even gents feeling left out, I highly recommend Benedict Cumberbatch reading Casanova by Ian Kelly.

(Link: www.deondernemer.nl)

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November 23, 2008

New Braille postage stamps

Filed under: Design,General by Orangemaster @ 1:48 pm
Braille postzegel

Graphic designer RenĂ© Put has designed new Dutch postage stamps with Braille called “Voel je mee” (“Sympathize”, but also a play on words with “to feel along”) for the visually impaired. The stamps combine letters with the Braille alphabet featuring missing letters filled in with Braille ones. The postage stamps pay tribute to Frenchman Louis Braille whose devised this alphabet 200 years ago.

Modern Dutch stamps have always been quite interesting. Here’s a unique one, the Dutch silver stamp, which was minted not printed with real silver.

(Link: rtl.nl)

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