January 15, 2012

Water flea making music

Filed under: Art by Branko Collin @ 3:03 pm

A little video joke posted to Youtube yesterday by micro photographer and videographer Wim van Egmond.

We mentioned him earlier, and he seems to have moved his website to www.micropolitan.org, which BoingBoing calls a ‘virtual wunderkammer’ of the microscopic world.

If you are in the Netherlands and speak Dutch, I recommend watching the Het Klokhuis episode about Van Egmond, in which he reveals his secrets to Dutch children. One of them is to use your mother’s credit card to scrape pond scum off of poles.

(Hat tip to Waa. Video: Youtube / Wim van Egmond.)

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July 28, 2009

Zone 5300 in the land of the Dadas

Filed under: Art,Comics,Music,Nature by Branko Collin @ 8:19 am

The Summer edition of Zone 5300 contains a large retrospective of The Cramps, the psychobilly dinos that put the fun into punk, because of stiletto-heeled front-man Lux Interior’s death earlier this year. Writer Eric van der Heijden handcuffs you, then shows all the clean versions of rock ‘n’ roll and the dirty parents they sprang from. Guess where The Cramps belong?

Lars Fiske reports on a 1922 visit of Dada to the Netherlands (illustration).

What do you do if everybody is already shooting nice pics of microbes, hell, if nice pics of microbes are really old hat in your country? Stereoscopic photos of the creepy-crawlies! Plus you try to get American art schools and Dutch museums to believe your story that art can only be objectively enjoyed after you have dunked classic works and instruments in a bath full of micro-organisms. Such is the wondrous sense of humour of Wim van Egmond.

Maaike Hartjes tries her hand at photography. Eerie! Cute! How does she do it? (Maaike’s got a new blog by the by, so go check it.)

And finally a long comic of Fool’s Gold contributor Milan Hulsing about collected collectors, so you know he knows what he is talking, er, drawing about.

(Illustration: Lars Fiske.)

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