Fast food chain upset at student delivery service

Since the 1970s American junk food chain McDonald’s has been big in the Netherlands, so big it was the biggest restaurant chain second year in a row in 2011, and for all we know it still is.
Some smart students from Barendrecht near Rotterdam area have managed to piss off the Golden Arches by starting a delivery service. You can Twitter @MacDeliveryNL or e-mail and some kid on a scooter will pick up a burger, fries and a shake for you. Nope, no idea what the extra cost is, I imagine it’s cheap. For the expats out there reading this, the Netherlands doesn’t have ‘drive thru’ service the way they do in North America, and we’re used to onlines services that delivery food from over 100 restaurants.
According to Twitter, the students are making headlines in the media this week. The junk food kings are upset at the students using the name ‘Mac’ and ‘Mc’, and I wonder what the rest of this story will be because it seems it just got started. Mac delivery could also get Apple computers upset, who knows. To be continued.
UPDATE: McDonalds still is No. 1 in the Netherlands.
(Link:, Photo of burger by huppypie, some rights reserved)
Quick correction about the ‘drive thru’ service: there are 141 McDrives in the Netherlands. My hometown Heerlen even has one! ;-)
And that’s kind of why I said ‘the way they do’. I knew they had some somewhere, but I eat actual food :) Thanks!