September 11, 2009

New York birthday celebrations suffer heavy inflation

Filed under: General,History by Branko Collin @ 4:51 pm

new_amsterdamWrites the Washington Post:

Four hundred years ago this month, Henry Hudson sailed on a Dutch ship into what became New York Harbor, a journey that inspired traders from the Netherlands to become the first immigrants to New York and establish a tolerant, motley Dutch settlement called New Amsterdam.

[…] While many New Yorkers are unaware of the festivities […].

Times have changed since previous anniversary celebrations. In 1909, there were two weeks of events, forming what was then the biggest citywide celebration New York had seen with millions of participants.

In 1959, the current queen of the Netherlands, then Princess Beatrix, came to New York for the 350th anniversary of Hudson’s arrival, and celebrated with a ticker tape parade.

“The world then was a different world,” Dutch Ambassador RenĂ©e Jones-Bos said. “Now there are far more countries. You have to work harder as a country to show what you can do and raise your profile.”

(Image: Castello Plan of the tip of Manhattan)

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