June 4, 2007

Outsourced care for the elderly per homepage

Filed under: General by Branko Collin @ 8:37 am

ustaatcentraal.gifFormer nurse Lineke van de Scheur (photo) uses the web to organize care for the elderly. Her company U Staat Centraal (Dutch link, “You’re Important”) provides web-based rosters for care givers. A recent change in Dutch law put the responsibility for finding care firmly in the infirm hands of those in need of care; the “care consumers” get a personal “budget” with which they themselves have to “shop around” for nurses and housekeepers and so on. Clients of Van de Scheur’s company get their own Sharecare homepage which has a roster to which freelance care professionals can subscribe, but also family members who would like to help out. U Staat Centraal helps set up and manage these care rosters, and helps people find the right professionals.

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