March 7, 2008

Giant cat still stuck in cage

Filed under: Animals by Orangemaster @ 10:16 am

Not only is the poor big cat Shin-Chan still caged up at Schiphol Airport (but not in this picture) since the end of January and not only did celeb lawyer Bram Moszkowicz not manage to free the cat, but the owners could be sued for “illegallly importing a wild animal”. The bottom line for the cat is being killed or shoved in a zoo, a very bright future indeed.

Since the Dutch love to put a price tag on everything, let me see… about EUR 20,000 for the cat (some sources say 19,000 others 22,000), probably close to that in lawyer fees and then there’s the very real defence attorney fees and a possible fine.

Find out what we wrote in January about the poor giant cat.


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