Dutch children could not be any happier


Children in the Netherlands

We’ve said every year, we get to say it again: Dutch children are the happiest in the world, this time according to new research by Unicef Germany. The Germans founds themselves in 8th place out of the 21 industrialized countries they included in their report. As expected, the top five in so many of these reports include Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Finland, Norway, with Spain in 5th place and Denmark in 7th place, while Iceland is not there, due to problems such as their country’s bankruptcy.

Our past posts on the issue: Dutch kids are happy because they’re egocentric.

(Link: dutchnews.nl, Photo: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


  1. boredwell says:

    Being a 17 year-old American male, I wasn’t at all surprised that mt peers are the least content, coming in dead last (that always hurts) on the bottom rung of the happiness ladder. Yet, I am, by and large, satisfied. Is there such a thing as “happiness?” Really? Interesting to note that in comparison, our neighbor to the north, Canada, hovered over us at a lofty 17! I wonder why there often seems to be a gulf between the Euro and North American continents in terms of ethos and mindset. Must be something in your beer!

  2. Orangemaster says:

    Canada usually wins over the US because of things like free health care and set minimum wages. Canada is sometimes less innovative, but has always tradionally been more social than the US. We pay a lot more taxes too and the Dutch pay unbelievably more taxes.

    I left Canada because work conditions even for the highly educated suck :)

  3. Kurdistan says:

    I saw operah winfry show she said the dutch people is the happiest people ever is that true??

  4. Orangemaster says:

    Nope, just the children :)

  5. Astrid says:

    well, in the eyes of the goddess we are all children, aren’t we :p

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