Floating wellness centre made of recycled materials


This artificial island was concocted by Studio Noach (what’s in a name?) and Anne Holtrop, and is based on recycled polystyrene.

The intended purpose of the island is to house a wellness centre in the IJ lake near Amsterdam.

For many tourists the image of Amsterdam as one of a city where you can celebrate your bachelor party but not your honeymoon will change when the city can offer a wellness arrangement without its equal in the world.

That sounds like a perverted marriage of the ideas of Robert-Jasper Grootveld (who came up with floating, polystyrene gardens long before Studio Noach, and was taken to his grave on one), and that of the current city government which wants to turns Amsterdam’s lively ecosystem of opinions and ideas into a sort of super-controlled Disneyland for rich tourists.

The walls and roofs will be covered in plants and flowers. […] [The island will be located] just 6 kilometres from the Grachtengordel (‘Belt of canals’), to be reached by shuttle over land or directly over the water.

(Source image: Studio Noach. Link: Ecofriend.)


  1. Michel Kreuger says:

    As an Amsterdam born and raised child of the 70’s I recognize Robert Jasper Grootveld as an original hero. The polystyrene he used however takes at least over a hundred years to biodegrade…we recycle this stuff. The Wellness center is not an idea of the Amsterdam city government but of myself, an Amsterdam IJburg home owner who developed the plan first and foremost for the people of IJburg and Amsterdam. Since Spawellness centers (different sauna’s in combination with a Spa) in Amsterdam are up this day mostly found in claustrofobic like places mainly in dungeons of five star hotels…..This place won’t be too expensive to access and it will also offer room room for groups to practice activities such as yoga and meditation. Targeting pregnant neighbourhood mums and people just from around the corner…..

  2. Hi Michel, thanks for the additional info!

  3. I have been reading of the Artificial Island.Sounds wonderful .In Africa , this is a paradise.
    I wonder why such introductions does not come to Africa where they are suppossed to be introduced first.

    keep it up.

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