Hi, I live on ‘Fart Street’

In the Rotterdam suburb Capelle aan den IJssel, a new neighbourhood was built in 2001 called Fascinatio, named after the children’s book ‘Fascinatio de wonderwind’ by Tom Manders. It prides itself on being a great place for kids to grow up in, go to school and play.
One of the street names is Flatusstraat, also from the book, which is a fancy way of saying ‘Fart Street’. Although the street has been around for a decade, it made the kids’ news a few days ago because grown ups would like to see it changed and journalist grown ups seemed to have run out of children’s stories.
There are actually worse names for streets in the Netherlands: Eendekotsweg (‘Duck Vomit Street’), Poepershoek (‘Shitters’ Corner’) and Windgat (‘Wind Hole’), to name a few.
(Link: jeugdjournaal.nl, Photo of Tom Manders by FaceMePLS, some rights reserved)
It doesn’t sound so bad in dutch.
Wind Street wouldn’t either in English.
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[…] the other end of the spectrum, we’ve told you about Fart Street, in Capelle aan den IJssel near Rotterdam and a few more odd […]
[…] again, the country has that neighbourhood named after Lord of the Rings characters and Fart street, and many more stories and fun facts that author RenĂ© Dings is compiling for a book about street […]