October 15, 2007

Pastor claims late bell ringing has halved attendance

Filed under: Religion by Branko Collin @ 12:40 am

Remember Harm Schilder, the pastor who got into trouble with worldly powers for trying to gather his congregation at mass by ringing his church bells at ungodly hours? Well, he’s back in the news. Pending the outcome of the lawsuit that the board of his church brought against the city of Tilburg, he hasn’t been ringing his church bells at early hours anymore. Now he claims that attendance to early mass has dropped in half. But he is confident that might he lose his lawsuit, Catholics from all over the country will send him money. Apparently you cannot lead a Catholic to mass, but you can make him pay?

Source: Brabants Dagblad.

Speaking of water, and of what might be in it, have you ever searched 24 Oranges for Tilburg?

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