Utrecht based ad agency Spranq made a font environmentally friendly by making holes in the glyphs. The result is called Ecofont, and according to an article by NPR, this will save its users up to 15% in ink. The idea is that you set this font, a free download, as the standard font for printing drafts and e-mails and such. Ecofont is based on the liberally licensed Bitstream Vera font.
December 24, 2008
Ecological font
Tags: environment, fonts, GPL, ink, open source
December 26, 2007
Fonts based on tooth paste, ketchup
What do you get when you empty a tube of toothpaste or a bottle of ketchup? Free fonts of course, according to Utrecht based design outfit Autobahn. You can find more pictures of the process and fresh squeezed Truetype font files (Tomatica, Gelvetica and Heldentica) at their website.
Tags: fonts, helvetica, ketchup, toothpaste