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Send back those unsollicited creationism folders



The year 2009 is the year of Charles Darwin, the English father of the theory of evolution. Some Christian man with methinks way too much time and money on his hands printed up a big, colourful folder about how God made the Earth in six days and all that jazz. I haven’t seen it yet, true, but I’m looking forward to it. Needless to say, thousands of people are insulted at receiving unsollicited storytelling folders in their mailboxes, especially since they did not order it. A campaign entitled Terug naar je maker (Back to your maker) is encouraging folks to sing a petition and send the storytelling folder back to its maker, the man from Urk, a village known for its religious views and alcoholic youth.

Forget about the holes in Darwin’s theory’s (so I’ve heard), forget trying to follow the Bible, a book almost nobody can read in its original language (angels are male and female, a theologist Ph.D. friend who reads Aramaic used to tell me) and don’t get into this silly debate that just muddles the pain of the financial crisis. Just think that some zealot wasted tens of thousands of euro when he could have helped out in his community and thought it worthy to kill trees to tell us something we can read on our own good time or not in the Bible.

The more you need to convince others, the more you need to convince yourself. You could have opened a school in Africa somewhere with that money. Shame on you.

For the locals among you, print this out (the real stickers are sold out!) and put it on your mailbox:


You can also sign the petition here (in Dutch).

(Link:, Photo:

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  1. Belgian Uncle says:

    I love the idea of ‘singing a petition’, especially one on a subject like this. But I suppose your southern neighbourds should keep out of it.

    Never mind, I’m signing ‘Daaaaaawiiiiin, Daaaaarwiiiin’ to the tune of Amazing Grace.

  2. Belgian Uncle says:

    I love the idea of ‘singing a petition’, especially one on a subject like this. But I suppose your southern neighbours should keep out of it.

    Never mind, I’m signing ‘Daaaaaawiiiiin, Daaaaarwiiiin’ to the tune of Amazing Grace.

  3. Orangemaster says:

    The only thing you should stay out of is the singing ;)

  4. Neil says:

    Has the Netherlands been able to ban the Koran or at least taken out the naughty bits? Geert Wilders has come to America to talk about Islam as a retarded culture. Is Islam retarded? It’s not the retarded part I worry about, it’s the righteous god-authorized incitement to murder that seems to be causing the problem.

    In fact, I think people must be able to believe what they will but if it incites them to murder well we can’t have that.

    We had our own VP candidate Sarah Palin (whose daughter thinks abstaining from sex before marriage is not a complete or realistic public policy) who thought the earth was made by God 6000 years ago and mankind and dinosaurs walked the earth together… crazy talk indeed but her right to believe by God.

  5. Orangemaster says:

    1) We don’t ban books here, c’mon.

    2) Palin is an idiot.

    3) Both our countries murder people, it’s called Iraq.

  6. Darth Paul says:

    Neil got SERVED.

    Excellent point about this fool squandering money and resources when the Christian thing to do would be to help the needy. But then again, most of these degenerates believe that the world will end in their lifetimes, so what’s the point in doing anything productive? Sad but true.

  7. […] banning strippers, attempting beer confiscation and littering the rest of the country with creationist folders, it’s now time to score some drug sniffing dogs to enforce the town wide marijuana ban, which […]

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