Older story:

Dutch expat misses typical food in Germany



This week I came to work in Munich and stayed at 24oranges’ third blogger, Eric. Eric is Dutch and has been happily living in Munich for four years. Germans keep asking him what he misses about his native country and it usually boils down to food.

What did I pack in my suitcase as a gift? Conimex Indonesian products from the supermarket. Dutch food is quite bland, which explains the Dutch’s prediliction for Indonesian food. (Indonesia is a former Dutch colony.)

Eric also misses the junk food ‘friet speciaal’, French fries with mayonnaise, ketchup and onions and ‘dropjes’ (black, sweet or salty liquorice sweets), the latter I also brought.

Also, the chunks of Dutch cheese sold at the store are way too small and the major brand is called ‘Pikantje van Antje’ (seen above retro version), the German symbol for Dutch cheese in Germany, served with German beer of course.

Older story:


  1. Neil says:

    Yeah but how are the sausages? ;P

    Can you do a post about the different brands of ‘dropjes’ old and new, sweet, salty and other, sometime?

  2. Richter says:

    I’d kill for half a Hendl and a Brezn. Has anyone else noticed that it’s all the same kind of cheese in Holland?

  3. Eric says:

    > Can you do a post about the different brands of ‘dropjes’ old and new, sweet, salty and other, sometime?

    Whenever I get a chance, I drop (heheh) by at Jamin and just fill up a large (500gr) plastic bag of mixed liquorice. My favorites: methol-kruis, heksenhyl, laurier, munten, zoute krakelingen en dubbelzout.

    > I’d kill for half a Hendl and a Brezn.

    Yeah, that with a Helles is perfect!

    > Has anyone else noticed that it’s all the same kind of cheese in Holland?

    Ah, true. Leerdammer, Zaanlander, Pikantje-van-Antje, Old Amsterdam: it’s all pretty straightforward Gouda, in the end. But I like that :-)

  4. Jay Vos says:

    Are there so-called “artisan” cheese makers in NL? I mean the kinds of trendy cheeses that might be served to “gourmets” at the (soon to be former) Restaurant In de’n Dillegaard, which you reported about on Thursday.

  5. […] sells, even to our big Eastern neighbours, the Germans who like Dutch cheese, clogs and blond people. However, this commercial kicks it up a notch, with more clichés and a weird German-Dutch […]

  6. Gerf says:

    I’m dutch and I lived in Stuttgart for 5 years, my sister moved to Munich 4 years ago.
    What I missed most were:
    – “kant en klaar maaltijden” (ready to eat meals) at the supermarket.
    – Old dutch cheese
    – tasty, fresh bread
    And the “Matjes” herring on baguette from the Quick Seafood restaurants are by far less tasty than the Dutch herring.
    Next week I visit Munich and I have a shopping list from my sister, to bring “Beschuit” and “Liga switch”

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