June 8, 2015

Google, KLM and government favourites with Dutch students

Filed under: Aviation,Food & Drink,General,IT,Technology by Branko Collin @ 10:09 pm

klm-plane-steven-straitonSwedish marketing agency Universum has been polling Dutch students on who they want to work for after graduation.

A whopping 12,000 students from 32 universities and polytechnics were asked about their career preferences. Major Dutch companies such as Philips, Shell, KLM, Heineken and Endemol were named, but large American companies such as Google and Apple also made their appearance.

Both law and arts & humanities students named the national government as their preferred employer, followed by Google for the former and KLM for the latter. Business students like KLM and Google the best, engineering and physics students prefer Google, followed by Philips.

Compared to last year, TNO, Coca-Cola, IKEA and De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek failed to make the top 5 in any of the categories.

(Link: ANS, photo by Steven Straiton, some rights reserved)

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April 5, 2009

Crisis TV: fire your co-worker

Filed under: Shows by Branko Collin @ 1:13 pm

At the MIP fair in Cannes last week Dutch TV producer Endemol presented a TV format that pits co-workers against each other as they get to vote one another off a company’s payroll. This is about real companies, not just ones made up for the show, and real people with real jobs that feed children. The working title is Someone’s Gotta Go says Worldscreen.com, which adds that the producer has already sold the format to broadcaster Fox in the USA.

In Algemeen Dagblad (Dutch) Endemol’s Paul Römer explains that the programme will follow a mid-sized company that has been hit hard by the economic crisis. People will have to be fired there.

“We start by showing everybody’s salaries. After that we show which employees are valuable to the company. And who’s shirking their responsibilities. Who deserves a raise? Who deserves lower wages? And ultimately the employees must answer the question: who must be fired?”

Römer expects the show would also work in the Netherlands. His lawyers are undoubtedly busy trying to find out how to not run afoul of the Dutch worker protection laws.

Endemol is the firm of John de Mol, brother of Linda and father of Johnny, and is responsible for introducing the world to such upstanding TV programmes as Big Brother and Give the Whore a Chance. No, wait, I forgot, that last one was a parody by Mugmetdegoudentand. No, wait again, three years after the parody was broadcast, and the underlying concept widely rejected as too unrealistic, John de Mol did indeed make a reality show with prostitutes. Because that’s the kind of classy guy he is.

Illustration by Wikimedia user Stannerd, used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

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